One study looked into the lives of children from different kinds of households—two-parent biological, adoptive, step-father, step-mother, single-parent—and the type of household did not matter.
Who are single moms today? In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1 found that 39.8% of all births reported in the U.S. that year were by unmarried women, down from a high ...
High borrowed a library laptop every week for a year to study for and pass her GED exams. The Middle Georgia Regional Library ...
My identity completely changed when I went through a divorce. I was suddenly a single working mom who had to figure out how to live on my own and raise my daughter. The main issue was I had a ...
One study looked into the lives of children from different kinds of households—two-parent biological, adoptive, step-father, step-mother, single-parent—and the type of household did not matter.