The Colorado Department of Transportation is developing a program that would place photo radar cameras along highways as ...
Billboards from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and speed camera warning signs on freeway off-ramps and in bus shelters are intended to caution drivers as more than 50 of the devices ...
In general, speed enforcement cameras can reduce crashes on ... The department will also place signs throughout the corridor warning drivers about the photo radar enforcement ahead.
NEPTUNE BEACH, Fla. — On April 3 automated cameras near three Neptune Beach schools will issue citations to drivers who ...
Speed cameras will soon be installed in school zones around the city of Neptune Beach. >>> STREAM ACTION NEWS JAX LIVE <<< City officials said the goals of the cameras are “to e ...
From this week, the default speed limit on rural local roads will drop from 80km/h to 60km/h, but further reductions are ...
Road safety officials are demanding an urgent audit of school zones after alarming data revealed more than 40 per cent of ...
New road signs reflecting the ... accompany the changes, with speed limits being monitored by handheld and vehicle-mounted speed detection equipment, speed camera vans and average speed and ...
STAR-ADVERTISER Some of these intersections are more known for traffic congestion than speeding, so idea is to shoot one with cars stopped up waiting to get through the light as opposed to speeding.