THE SIGHT of a mediocre play in London’s West End receiving a standing ovation inspired ... from restaurants to rock concerts. The malaise, says one reader regretfully, has even reached Lord ...
And when he entered Bears headquarters at Halas Hall, he was met with … a standing ovation. How about that sense of humor from Johnson, jokingly insisting everyone get back to work after they ...
Tony Lechner, founder of Rock Voices, can't promise to make you a rock star, but "we'll make you feel like one." ...
Jackie Chan got a standing ovation during his latest public outing, making a rare appearance at the Critics Choice Awards. The legendary actor, who turns 71 in just a couple months, brought the ...
It’s not uncommon for an actor or director to receive a lengthy standing ovation at one of the major film awards ceremonies. While this may partly be in recognition of impressive work on a ...
Taking the stage, Lopez, filmmaker Bill Condon and big screen discovery Tonatiuh (who plays Molina) received a standing ovation. When Sundance Director Eugene Hernandez said Tonatiuh’s name ...