Welcome to 538's politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
Collaborations between academia and industry and government can also help tackle complex, interdisciplinary problems that no ...
Applied Microbiology International has announced that it is partnering with the Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum (MLSFF) conference, which takes place at the end of March. Life scientists ...
Story should always take precedence over metaphor, which is why films like “The Thing With Feathers” are almost always doomed ...
Pioneer of disaster medicine tells an inspiring American story — and a powerful counter to fearful MAGA nonsense ...
A lot of Trump’s rhetoric subscribes to a popular “meritocracy myth” that if everyone simply works harder, they will all have ...
In a randomized clinical trial in China, giving the clot-busting medication alteplase up to 24 hours after stroke symptoms ...
Now, I’m a hugger. It’s not to say that I want or expect every stranger to greet me with a hug, but I am more apt to say goodbye to someone with a hug rather than a wave. I’ve also been the recipient ...
B R Mani, the Vice Chancellor of the Indian Institute of Heritage mentioned that "the ideals of the epics and its universal themes of Dharma, comprising deliberations on duty, righteousness and ...
A temporary exhibit featuring a little-known 1940s American art movement is nearing the end of its run at the Heard Museum in ...
The exhibition-as-memoir of Linda Griggs, a group show as history lesson, Odili Donald Odita’s vibrant abstractions, and more.