“I agree and support Lula's statements ... lose you leave and prepare for other elections.” If Maduro wants to contribute to solving Venezuela's growth problem and the return of those who ...
So far, the second Trump’s administration seems to be sticking to the line of not officially recognizing Maduro and preferring his departure from the scene. It has kept sanctions on the country intact ...
As apostas de autoridades locais é que o número total de venezuelanos é o dobro do declarado, em razão de relatos de que ...
Embaixador Eduardo Paes Saboia foi apontado pelo regime Maduro como o responsável por vetar entrada da Venezuela no Brics ...
The discovery of Ronald Ojeda’s body encased in concrete in Chile has raised new fears over how far President Nicolás Maduro will go to keep his stranglehold on Venezuela. Security camera ...
Venezuela e Brasil reafirmaram "laços de amizade" e "respeito mútuo" durante reunião da OTCA no Suriname, disse chancelaria ...
Lula e Petro concordam em rejeitar as eleições de 28 de julho de 2024 na Venezuela, exigindo transparência nos resultados ...
Six Americans who had been detained in Venezuela in recent months were freed by the government of President Nicolás Maduro after he met Friday with a Trump administration official tasked with ...
Venezuela — Six Americans who had been detained in Venezuela in recent months were freed by the government of President Nicolás Maduro after he met with a senior Trump administration official ...
Breno Altman fala sobre os desafios diplomáticos e o papel do governo brasileiro nas relações com a Venezuela e a América Latina ...
Six Americans who had been detained in Venezuela in recent months were freed by the government of President Nicolás Maduro after he met Friday with a Trump administration official tasked with ...