Does fluoride actually cause cancer and can it cause your child to have a lower IQ? Here's what to know about the mineral.
More than 95 million people are facing gripping cold Tuesday as a polar vortex sends temperatures plunging to record levels, ...
At first glance, these beliefs might seem so absurd that it’s ... with misinformation, people still have a beacon of truth to guide them. That’s why we write this. And that’s why this ...
These features are why researchers like me were so attracted to mirror life in the first place ... Even if mirror bacteria don't actively attack other organisms, they would still consume food sources ...
However, people can still ... dangerous to eat. Click your choice to see results and speak your mind. In the comments, organic gardening enthusiasts shared their experiences and suggestions for what ...
Sure enough, one member answered “Well I’ve heard that the Trinity is like water: water can be liquid, gas (steam), or solid (ice), but it’s still the same ... “That’s Modalism!” Why is it wrong? An ...
A cook at a Kanpur eatery en route to Prayag Raj was caught kneading dough with contaminated water in unhygienic conditions, as highlighted in a viral Instagram video. Consuming such contaminated ...
And Delvey, so quotable and forthright ... Not to mention there’s our fascination as to why the genetically gifted would risk it all in the first place. We marvel at their bottomless supply ...
You can blame winter roadway treatment and ongoing drought conditions for the salty taste in your tap water. Your tap water is still safe to consume.
The city’s inspector general says that sewer lines are too close to water mains, a problem the city has known about since ...
If you feel like you’re still paying more for less at ... “the unemployment rate at that time was 20%. So I'd rather have my job and then see things a little bit more expensive.” ...