SOME of the foremost authorities on environmental issues converged in Islamabad this past week to talk about the urgent nature of the climate crisis in Pakistan. Alongside these experts at ...
WHEN a political party decides that actively causing damage to the economy will somehow advance its interests, it needs to be urged to undertake a rethink. Such a strategy is most perfectly ...
PAKISTAN’S economy has ‘stabilised’. Yet it remains just a shock — a failed performance review of the IMF’s 37-month $7bn programme — away from a relapse. This is the crux of a special ...
OUR constitutional journey is no different from our political odyssey, except that the former is recorded more in the annals of betrayals, compromises, and transgressions, and the latter as tales ...
President Trump said a "tide of change is sweeping the country," striking an optimistic note as he told Americans during his inaugural address Monday that the U.S. is beginning a "new era of ...
IT is a crying shame how women are conspicuously absent from Pakistan’s civil services. Despite comprising half the population, they occupy just 5pc of federal government positions. This paltry ...
As the one-year anniversary hit, more than a few took a trip down memory lane, beginning with Pattan’s election report and also news programmes that reminisced about last year’s transmissions.
BEFORE and after the inauguration ceremony, United States President Donald Trump announced a number of policy statements regarding the uplift of the inflation-ridden US economy. He went on to ...
But what are we willing to do about it? Dawn’s ‘Breathe Pakistan’ campaign is one attempt to make it central to the national conversation. However, Pakistan needs much more — it needs a ...
LIBRARY ISSUES: The Quaid-i-Azam Library is home to students and intel-lectuals from across Balochistan, but these learners have been facing some glaring issues. The parking mafia outside the ...
PAKISTAN’S recent triumph at the New York Travel and Adventure Show 2025, winning the Best Partner Pavilion Award, marks a significant milestone for our tourism sector. This recognition not only ...