There are 4 direct trains that run between Bhubaneswar and Chandauli Majhwar. The train schedules consist of 4 weekly trains. These include Duronto, Mail Express, Rajdhani and Super Fast trains.
There are 4 direct trains that run between Chandauli Majhwar and Bhubaneswar. The train schedules consist of 4 weekly trains. These include Duronto, Mail Express, Rajdhani and Super Fast trains.
En route to their second-straight division championship appearance, the Smithville Lady Noles had to go through a scrappy ...
The Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union wrestling tournament gets underway at Xtream Arena in Coralville on Thursday and ...
A controversial proposal to rezone a parcel next to Sweedens Swamp to allow for housing development has been approved by the ...
Holy Spirit defeated South Lamar at home, 57-40 to clinch the girls Class 1A, Area 9 title. The Saints came out flying with a ...
A section of Route 1A in East Boston fully reopened Tuesday evening after closing Monday morning due to a bus crash that ...
The southbound lanes of Route 1A in East Boston remain closed as of Tuesday morning following a charter bus crash on | Contact Police Accident Reports (888) 657-1460 for help if you were in this ...
One southbound lane of Route 1A in East Boston reopened Tuesday afternoon after a bus crashed into a utility pole and brought ...
One southbound lane of Route 1A in East Boston reopened Tuesday afternoon after a bus crashed into a utility pole and brought down three other poles and two transformers.