The new CBS series may not seem faithful to the original Conan Doyle stories, but it is faithful to the man himself.
TV writer Steven Moffat has confirmed he is eager to bring BBC's Sherlock back to the screen and reunite actors Benedict ...
The show is based on the successful French comic book series ‘Les Quatre de Baker Street’, written by Jean-Blaise Djian and ...
Is Sherlock Holmes really dead? Well, if you take Shinwell Johnson (Ritchie Coster) at his word to the titular doctor (Morris ...
Exclusive: Randall Park, Watson's Moriarty, explains how his character differs from his portrayal in other Sherlock Holmes ...
Watson creator Craig Sweeny confirms when another familiar Sherlock Holmes character will debut in the detective-inspired medical drama.
CBS has cast Watson's Sherlock Holmes, as a fan-favorite What We Do in the Shadows star will portray the iconic detective ...