The honorary consuls active in the country are in the process of creating an association to better coordinate their ...
Robert Sanford Stewart, the Canadian national who was executive manager of the mining company American Mineral Fields (AMF), was in Durban this week to promote a group opposing the regime of head of ...
The corporate brand and communication manager (since 1995) of Shell on Mauritius has been chosen by the government as board chairman of Export Processing Zones Development Authority (EPZDA), taking ...
Hydraulics specialist Envex is to rehabilitate the Les Dunes and Bousfer sea water desalination plants in Oran, two of the seven sited in the wilaya. The Oran water resources department awarded it the ...
Renamed Hadin Kai, the military operation fighting terrorism in northern Nigeria welcomed its new intelligence director this week. Brigadier General Adebayo Adekola took up the post in Maiduguri, the ...
The four Belgian military personnel who were still working in Niger returned home in December. Brussels had maintained a ...
Last year, the head of state ordered the arrest of a Congolese businessman who was involved in a dispute with a Chinese gold ...
A financial expert who was elected to parliament on the MSM/MMM's winning electoral list, Sushil Kushiram was given the wide-ranging ministerial portfolio for financial services, corporate affairs and ...