This project supports transition from primary to secondary school with peer to peer learning across age groups. Secondary students learn how to deliver the range of Gopher Science Lab activities to ...
As the International Year of Soils nears its end, Dr Tudor Dawkins and Dr Farnon Ellwood examine the nature and importance of soil and how farmers can keep it in good shape The Biologist 62(5) p26-29 ...
Do you run workshops, seminars, conferences and other events suitable for biologists? Would you like to offer your participants CPD credits for your events? Royal Society of Biology CPD Approval ...
What is Flying Ant Day? Flying ants often seem to appear on the same day in different locations in the UK – flying ant day. Most ant colonies start with a flying ant - when young queens leave the nest ...
For the last five years Janelle Kaz has combined her love of nature and motorcycles on a two-wheeled intercontinental conservation adventure. She gives The Biologist a taster of the latest leg of her ...
This is not a scientific treatise about hawthorn, but it is a good read about the folklore and ethnobotany around the genus Crataegus, with many diversions from the main topic, such as the author's ...
basket of figs so she can evade Caesar's humiliating triumph. As with everything about Cleopatra, the moment is also deeply erotic, "a lover's pinch", as two elements conjoin in a moment that combines ...
Dr Jane Goodall is an English UN Messenger of Peace and ethologist most famous for her 45 year study of chimpanzee social and family interactions in Tanzania and for founding the Jane Goodall ...
I have seen the enemy and we are (still) it. The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of Covid-19 by many, but in future it may also be remembered as a year of lost opportunity. It may be ...
Parliamentary Links Day, once of the biggest events in the Society's calendar, was again a huge success. Around 150 MPs and members of the scientific community convened in the House of Commons to ...
People think of chameleons as the masters of camouflage, but the coleoids – octopuses, squid and cuttlefish – are far ahead in terms of manipulating their appearance[1]. Because their skin appearance ...