In the 21st century AI, or Artificial Intelligence, became a usable product and as it reached more users, there were more useful and marketable ideas on what AI could be used for. Some of the new uses ...
The Americans also lead the world in submarine warfare with a current force of 51 nuclear attack submarines and fourteen SSBNs or nuclear powered ballistic missile carrying subs. Eventually there will ...
Trump has real estate cred. Suddenly, devastated Gaza is a real estate development -- it has a future no one else ever saw. Gaza beach and sea. Mild eastern Mediterranean climate. This piece of real ...
Following the annual fleet exercises in the Spring of 1925, a major portion of the U.S. Fleet undertook a 17,000 mile, three month voyage from Hawaii to Australia and New Zealand, and thence back to ...
Operating considerably beyond existing doctrine, the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) (3ID [M]) proved that a lethal, flexible, and disciplined mechanized force could conduct continuous offensive ...
At the direction of the Chief of Staff Army and the Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), the TRADOC Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ODCSINT) has studied ...
The PLA Aviation Corps Table of Organization Revision 3.1 ...
Estimates of the number of men engaged at Gettysburg vary widely. Figures for the strength of the Army of Northern Virginia range from a low of about 65,000 men of all arms to a high of about 75,000, ...
The 3rd Military Police Company and Provost Marshal Special Staff, comprised of 210 officers, noncommissioned officers (NCOs), and soldiers, expended a Herculean effort to support the Third Infantry ...
The ability of the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized) (3ID (M)) to mass joint fires on the battlefield contributed largely to its success in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). From the initial ...
The lethality index is graphically portrayed in Figure 9 and the weapon system strength is shown in Figure 10. The Mech Heavy TF (ratio 1.0) is the study baseline because it is the objective ...