outh-West France is the wine region that boasts the most heritage grape varieties in the country. “Over 150 varieties originated here. Many of them stem from the Pyrenean foothills and have four main ...
o help winegrowers safeguard the quality and typicity of their wines in the face of climate change and reduced sulphur dioxide usage, microbiologists working with the oenology department of Bordeaux ...
Philippe Faure-Brac (left) and Fabrice Sommier (right) received the award on behalf of the entire French sommelier community - crédit photo : Régis Grman he French sommelier organisation, represented ...
The former in-store wine festival manager Stéphane Friez (in the photo) has just left management of Intermarché’s wine division and was replaced by Emmanuel Boudikian - crédit photo : DR uring the ...
Cyril Camus, chairman of Maison Camus, and Liang Jinhui, chairman of Gujing Group, attend the first distillation - crédit photo : DR With this in mind, the facilities have been designed as a ...
fter a decade spent at the helm of Jean Loron wines based in La Chapelle-de-Guinchay, Saône-et-Loire, Philippe Bardet is retiring and will be replaced as managing director by Thierry Bellicaud. As per ...
fficially opened in January 2024 in Sauveterre-de-Guyenne, the Bordeaux wine region’s first industrial de-alcoholisation unit produced 17,000 hectolitres of totally or partially de-alcoholised wines ...
Marie-Christine Guilhem, cheffe d’exploitation du Château de Couffoulens, dans l’Aude, s’est trouvée boostée par le coaching ...
Le Comité Champagne va acquérir les anciennes halles ferroviaires d’Epernay pour installer sa nouvelle maison du Champagne.
Le marché tend les bras au vin blanc, encore très minoritaire dans la production du vignoble beaujolais. Un évènement ...
Les clés de la gestion de crise viticole se trouvant à Bruxelles, le nouveau commissaire européen à l’Agriculture, Christophe ...
Quand la reprise n’est pas au rendez-vous dans une jeune plantation, mieux vaut prendre les choses en main et identifier les causes. Des conseillers indépendants ...