This site is designed for County residents and visitors to use for informational purposes. If there is any information not contained in this website, that you feel may be helpful to Lee County residents, please let us know.
The southwestern-most County in the Commonwealth of Virginia, bordered on the south by Tennessee and on the north and west by Kentucky, Lee County has three incorporated towns: Pennington Gap, St. Charles and the County seat of Jonesville.
The Administrator is responsible for carrying out the day to day operations of the County, supervising County staff, implementing policies set by the Board, and working with other local agencies to provide services to the citizens of Lee County.
The Treasurer of Lee County is responsible for collecting taxes and making payments on behalf of the local government. Treasurers also manage the investment of local funds and maintain records of local finances.
The Lee County Solid Waste Department is responsible for the collection, handling and disposal of solid waste generated in Lee County. The Solid Waste Department operates a centralized Transfer Station near Jonesville.
Lee County Employment Opportunities. Constitutional Offices, or Elected Officials, are responsible hiring employees for their office. If you have questions about any of the Constitutional Office job openings, please contact that office. Job Openings
Oct 20, 2020 · Lee County is the southwestern-most County in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is bordered on the south by the State of Tennessee and on the northwest by Kentucky.
Lee County e-Commissioner Options: The Lee County Commissioner's Office is pleased to offer on line access services. Use the links on the left side of the screen for navigation.
Lee County Works is a program that was established by the Lee County Board of Supervisors to benefit not only the county but the community as well. This Program is an alternative to incarceration for non-violent offenders.