Home - Klein Independent School District
Home - Klein ISD, located in Klein, TX, has a rich history of educational excellence. We offer unique pathways for EVERY student.
About Klein ISD - Klein Independent School District
Klein ISD is a vibrant educational community, comprising five high schools, 10 intermediate schools, 33 elementary schools, one innovative high school program of choice, and an alternative school program.
District Calendar - Klein Independent School District
District Calendar - Stay up-to-date with Klein ISD's academic calendar, including important dates, events, and school activities. Your guide to the educational year.
Careers - Klein Independent School District
The Klein Independent School District's (Klein ISD) Human Resource Services Department embraces opportunities, seeks to attract, employ and retain the most highly qualified employees.
Klein Dashboard - Klein Independent School District
Klein Dashboard - Klein ISD, located in Klein, TX, has a rich history of educational excellence. We offer unique pathways for EVERY student.
Facilities - Klein Independent School District
Klein ISD is Triple A! Academics, Arts, and Athletics. Klein ISD has an established an over 80-year history of excellence and innovation in education with unique programs for EVERY student in our care to ensure learners are college, career, military, and life ready.
Enroll - Klein Independent School District
Klein ISD is one of the premier public school districts in the Greater Houston area, known for academic excellence, diverse programs, and a welcoming community. Enrolling is quick and easy—just follow the steps below to join the Klein family!
K-12: In-District Enrollment - Klein Independent School District
K-12: In-District Enrollment - Klein ISD, located in Klein, TX, has a rich history of educational excellence. We offer unique pathways for EVERY student.
Skyward Family/Student Access - Klein Independent School District
Skyward Family/Student Access is available to all parents and guardians of students enrolled in the Klein Independent School District. Family/Student Access is a secure internet-based website allowing parents and guardians easy access in tracking their student's progress.
High School - Klein Independent School District
High School - Klein ISD, located in Klein, TX, has a rich history of educational excellence. We offer unique pathways for EVERY student.