comparative constructions - Is it "less than" or "lesser than ...
Oct 14, 2015 · You would say less than or the lesser of. Not lesser than. However, it largely depends on the sentence in which you're using your particular example, as it may be that using 'fewer than' instead of 'less than' is correct. 'Less' means not as much 'Fewer' means 'not as many' For example, if I'm holding three apples I have 'fewer than 4 apples'.
grammar - Less than half vs fewer than one third - English …
Dec 8, 2022 · Less than one-quarter, or 23%, of more than 2,000 adults polled earlier this fall said they felt “very comfortable” about their finances. In this sentence, "Less than one-quarter" is referring to a numerical fraction, a statistic derived from the adults being talked about. Fewer — just 12% — consider themselves wealthy, the report said.
meaning in context - Less than versus fewer than - English …
Nov 4, 2019 · In less than four years means than in less than this amount of time. In fewer than four years, which is much less common, means in not as many years. It comes down to whether you are regarding the time involved as a continuum or as individual years. The same principle applies where other measures such as weights or volumes are concerned.
idioms - Meaning of "no less than" in a specific sentence - English ...
In this sentence, no less than is a slightly less common way of saying nothing less than. "Nothing less than" is a way of saying "truly" or "nothing other than", which is a way of emphasizing the truth of an identity. So the meaning, in the context of the paragraph, is. The monument to Newton's pebble-collecting child is nothing other than the ...
Confusion about 'less' and 'fewer' in sentences with countable ...
'Less' is also used with numbers when they are on their own and with expressions of measurement or time, e.g.: His weight fell from 18 stone to less than 12. Their marriage lasted less than two years. Heath Square is less than four miles away from Dublin city centre. So, the sentences in concern: There were no less than 50 people in the dining hall
Question about meaning of "less-than-stellar" does it mean less …
May 18, 2015 · I think less than stellar means a little less than high. Based on my perception it means that if the best credit is 800 for instanse and your credit is a little bit less than 700, around 670, then you have a lousy credit for using a mortgage in this case. I think the writer is not saying that if your credit is lousy you cannot buy.
Meaning of less than a something than - English Language …
Jan 19, 2021 · Vaccinating the nation, however, is less a race than it is a slow and steady process. And the resulting meaning is no different than. Vaccinating the nation, however, is less fast than it is slow. (which you would never actually say unless in ridicule - you would just say something like "Vaccinating the nation is slow." or "is slow, rather than ...
What does it mean to give somebody "a less than favorable review"?
Sep 22, 2016 · In this example, a "less than favourable" review is a bad review. The "less than" is a euphemism, a word or phrase that sounds better than it actually means. As with many things in English, it's important to listen to how native speakers use this construction, and practice it yourself where appropriate. Side note: Favourable is the BrE spelling.
Can I say "less good than"? - English Language Learners Stack …
May 3, 2023 · Rude or not, we just don''t usually use "less good" like that. We'd much more likely say Bill is worse than Joshua - OR Bill isn't as good as Joshua. By the same token, we wouldn't usually say, for example, Bill is less old than Joshua - that would be Bill is younger than Joshua OR Bill isn't as old as Joshua. It's meaningless to ask how you ...
adjectives - less happy or less happier? - English Language …
Jan 30, 2018 · no less happier than the rest of us This has a connotation of "in no way unhappier"—there is a hint of an emphasis there. But if you are just aiming at comparing them, your sentences do sound a bit clumsy, and the best way to say it is,