UNDERRATED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
UNDERRATED definition: 1. better or more important than most people believe: 2. better or more important than most people…. Learn more.
Underrated Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of UNDERRATED is rated or valued too low. How to use underrated in a sentence.
Underrated - definition of underrated by The Free Dictionary
Define underrated. underrated synonyms, underrated pronunciation, underrated translation, English dictionary definition of underrated. tr.v. un·der·rat·ed , un·der·rat·ing , un·der·rates To rate too low; underestimate.
Underrated | English Meaning & Definition - Simple Dictionary
Underrated means something that is not given enough credit or recognition for its true value or quality. John’s cooking skills are underrated; he always manages to whip up delicious meals with whatever ingredients he has on hand.
UNDERRATED Synonyms: 50 Similar and Opposite Words
Synonyms for UNDERRATED: underappreciated, undervalued, unsung, unrecognized, unnoticed, unrewarded, uncredited, unappreciated; Antonyms of UNDERRATED: appreciated, credited, valued, esteemed, honored, prized, recognized, regarded
UNDERRATED definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
UNDERRATED definition: underestimated | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
UNDERRATED Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
It’s an accomplished album from an underrated band, and will hopefully get them the recognition they deserve. verb the simple past tense and past participle of underrate .
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